Evil Games by Angela Marsons

evil gamesBlurb from goodreads.com, please scroll down for my review

The greater the Evil, the more deadly the game…
When a rapist is found mutilated in a brutal attack, Detective Kim Stone and her team are called in to bring a swift resolution. But, as more vengeful killings come to light, it soon becomes clear that there is someone far more sinister at work.

With the investigation quickly gathering momentum, Kim finds herself exposed to great danger and in the sights of a lethal individual undertaking their own twisted experiment.

Up against a sociopath who seems to know her every weakness, for Detective Stone, each move she makes could be deadly. As the body count starts to mount, Kim will have to dig deeper than ever before to stop the killing. And this time – it’s personal.

My Review

Evil Games is the second book in the DI Kim Stone series by Angela Marsons, The first Silent Scream, was a top-notch detective thriller and this continues the theme. The writing itself has matured and the novel itself is darker with Kim battling against another woman, Alex, in a psychological battle field. Neither woman is particularly likeable but Kim is on the right side of the law putting criminals behind bars. The is more than one storyline going on with one of them being a child abuse case and another being the murder of a rapist. Both are difficult subjects in themselves. The best part of the book was Kim and Ale, Alex is a nasty person herself and the confrontations between them are brilliant. Angela Marsons has done a superb job getting into the head and the world of a psychopath.


angela marsonsAbout the Author

Angela discovered a love of writing at Primary School when a short piece on the rocks and the sea gained her the only merit point she ever got.
Angela wrote the stories that burned inside and then stored them safely in a desk drawer.
After much urging from her partner she began to enter short story competitions in Writer’s News resulting in a win and three short listed entries.
She used the Amazon KDP program to publish two of her earlier works before concentrating on her true passion – Crime.
After many, many submissions Angela was signed in a 4 book deal to http://bookouture.com as their first crime author.







About the Book

  • File Size: 3425 KB
  • Print Length: 349 pages
  • Publisher: Bookouture (May 29, 2015)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00U7K5F4O

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